by Rip » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:58 pm
Obviously, Islam isn't the enemy. And, obviously, since ISIS has been VERY successful at drawing in people from all over the world with a shared murder-boner, this is not about quality of life.
Making people comfortable is one thing. But it seems to me a separate thing when a guy has a sword at your neck. And that's what this is REALLY about, and it can't be stressed enough: the ideology of a human being who has decided that other innocent human beings must die is of zero consequence. That person could be a white redneck who thinks Walmart has betrayed America by refusing to stock the Confederate flag. That person could be a Chinese lady with a grudge against Japan over the Senkaku Islands. In this case, the person is someone who believes in a radicalized version of a semitic desert cult. Doesn't matter in the slightest because they are all fucking murderers.
Murder is something that you can't really reason with. I'll steal from something I watched about the death penalty that holds true: you can't deter a murderer. Whether a murder of passion (can't reason with blind murder-rage), premeditation (if you thought it through, you plan on not being caught), or compulsion (your sick meat brain likes to watch things die), if someone has decided to take a human life, they have already gone over the edge. Some dogs just need to be put down.
yes, this has the potential to spiral out of control, so I'm going to reign it back in and point it back toward ISIS real quick. You have a group that has dedicated itself to murder. Whatever their reasons, whatever their plight, doesn't matter anymore. They chose to be murderers and they must be dealt with like murderers.
EDIT: not that I should have to, but being a Texan I feel I must comment on the refugees thing: people who wanna hurt us are gonna get in anyway. if we start turning away those who need us, we need to take down the Statue of Liberty first.