((Sorry for the delay guys. We had a death in the family Friday morning. Thank you for your concerns; they are appreciated. I'm better at jumping back in than not, so let's go with that.
Zengus, I'm assuming from your roll that you would like to use the d8 that rolled a 6 and the d10 that rolled a 7 for your Total, making it 13, and keeping your other d10 as the Effect die, correct? Assuming you don't want to spend your 1 Plot Point to do anything else with the roll, which you shouldn't really, because as I will be resisting you with a Doom Pool of only 2d6 I can't technically beat your Total without trying something wacky. So let's just assume I'm completely correct on all of the above and roll the Doom Pool to resist!
Doom Pool Reaction vs the Mighty Marksman's Distraction: 1d6 = 4, 1d6 = 5, for a Total of 9, Effect = an assumed 1d4 as there are no other dice. Clint's Total of 13 wins! This means that there is now a free d10 that anyone can add to their roll, but once it is used once, it is gone. Also, considering the nature of the Asset, I'm going to have to rule that it MUST be used by the next person to act against the Villains on scene; meaning Gambit (if he still acts next) must use it now, unless he chooses to use his action to further prepare instead of engaging. Meanwhile...))
A loud crash and the hiss of scattering wharf rats jolts the four armed men immediately; three of them jerk their heads and weapons in the direction of Hawkeye's arrow, visibly shaken and clearly on edge. A fourth man turns and strides closer to the water's edge. All of their backs are squarely to the New Avengers as the black sub idles in wait...
((Gambit on deck, or honestly, anyone else with a d8 Enhanced Reflexes, I suppose...we may want to play it this way considering the nature of the board, that the Player who is available who hasn't acted in a Round should just take their turn, considering everything will need a Reaction from either me or someone else anyway and there may be a lot of waiting.))