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Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:55 am

((Sorry for the delay guys. We had a death in the family Friday morning. Thank you for your concerns; they are appreciated. I'm better at jumping back in than not, so let's go with that.

Zengus, I'm assuming from your roll that you would like to use the d8 that rolled a 6 and the d10 that rolled a 7 for your Total, making it 13, and keeping your other d10 as the Effect die, correct? Assuming you don't want to spend your 1 Plot Point to do anything else with the roll, which you shouldn't really, because as I will be resisting you with a Doom Pool of only 2d6 I can't technically beat your Total without trying something wacky. So let's just assume I'm completely correct on all of the above and roll the Doom Pool to resist!

Doom Pool Reaction vs the Mighty Marksman's Distraction: 1d6 = 4, 1d6 = 5, for a Total of 9, Effect = an assumed 1d4 as there are no other dice. Clint's Total of 13 wins! This means that there is now a free d10 that anyone can add to their roll, but once it is used once, it is gone. Also, considering the nature of the Asset, I'm going to have to rule that it MUST be used by the next person to act against the Villains on scene; meaning Gambit (if he still acts next) must use it now, unless he chooses to use his action to further prepare instead of engaging. Meanwhile...))

A loud crash and the hiss of scattering wharf rats jolts the four armed men immediately; three of them jerk their heads and weapons in the direction of Hawkeye's arrow, visibly shaken and clearly on edge. A fourth man turns and strides closer to the water's edge. All of their backs are squarely to the New Avengers as the black sub idles in wait...

((Gambit on deck, or honestly, anyone else with a d8 Enhanced Reflexes, I suppose...we may want to play it this way considering the nature of the board, that the Player who is available who hasn't acted in a Round should just take their turn, considering everything will need a Reaction from either me or someone else anyway and there may be a lot of waiting.))

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Sorce » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:02 am

So, what I'm going to do is have Gambit attack the one close to the water to knock him in. For that I'm going to need the Solo d8, Enhanced Reflexes d8, Combat Expert d8, Weapon (Telescopic Bo) d8, and Covert Expert d8. So that's... 5 d8s, I guess. Also a d10 that Rip reminded me I have.

Gambit sneaks up behind the one soldier who had gotten a little too close to the water. His Bo extended, Gambit slams it into the back of the soldier's head and back.

Dice Result from
3 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 2 (for the d8s) 3 (for the d10)

Total will be the two 5s (so 10), and the effect will be the 7. Don't want to use the Plot Point just yet.
Last edited by Sorce on Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:02 pm

((Sorce - you also get a d10 from Hawkeye's "Distraction" Asset; go ahead and roll that too, then pick your Total and name your Effect die and let me know if you want to spend your Plot Point))

((EDIT: Sorry for the long absence guys. Jumping back in now; Sorce, a small gameplay correction - the number on your Effect die doesn't matter, so long as it is above 1, just the level of it. To this end, the BEST way to use the dice as rolled above would be to use the d8 that rolled a 7 and a d8 that rolled a 5 for your Total of 12, and then use the d10 as your Effect. This means your opponent has to beat a Total of 12 in order to not take d10 Physical Stress and be one away from knocked out! Which would be good if this was a regular mook; unfortunately, this was the only mook that singled itself out for a reason. :/ ))

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:21 pm

((Tombstone's Reaction to Gambit's Concussion - 1d10 Solo, 1d8 Relentless, 1d10 Superhuman Durability, 1d10 Combat Master.
1d10 = 4, 1d8 = 6, 1d10 = 9, 1d10 = 2
Total - 15, d10 Effect

Tombstone has beaten Gambit's total, rendering the action Failed. If I wanted to spend a d6 from the Doom Pool (or a Plot Point, were I a Player), I could use my Effect die to apply d10 Physical Stress back on Gambit right now! I won't, however, as I only have 2d6 in the Doom Pool. But still.))

Gambit jolted forward into the harsh dock lights at the sound of Hawkeye's distraction, aiming himself dead-on at the sole henchman who did not react with fright. As the lean figure neared the pier's edge, Remy threw himself into the attack, swinging his telescoping bo in a wide arc in effort to knock the man out cold...and nearly threw himself off balance when the bo cracked uselessly against its unyielding target, serving only to send the man's hat into the mud and reveal shock-white hair and flesh beneath.

Tombstone slowly turned to face the raging Cajun, a thin smile spreading over his face. "Bad choice, pal."

((Okay, Sorce never declared whose turn would be next, so any of the below may act immediately, first come first served:
Alternatively, Sorce or one of the three above can name LUKE CAGE, TOMBSTONE, or HENCHMAN 1, 2, or 3 to act next.))
Last edited by Rip on Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Inferno » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:44 pm

I'm goan do the thangly thing with the stuff that I said before in the other thing.

I'm going to work on incapacitating Tombstone there by floorwalking.

Team (d10), Dark Night, Harsh Light (d8), Intangibility (d10), covert expert (d8)
With KevBot rolls: 4 1 1 5

Kitty flobbles around in the darkness, mistaking her left foot for Iron's Fist.
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:20 pm

((Kitty's roll yields 2 Opportunities, both of which will be bought by the Doom Pool, making the total Doom Pool 4d6 at the moment. Inferno, you now have a total of 3 Plot Points, which will hopefully help you whip KevBot back into shape D: In this case, knocking out those two dice leaves us with a Total of 9, and an Implied Effect of d4, meaning that if you succeed you'll start your Complication off at the lowest level.

Tombstone's Reaction to Kitty's Fumbling For Traction - Solo - d10, Relentless d4 (+1d6 to the Doom Pool to make it 5d6), Enhanced Speed d8, Combat Master d10
d10 = 4, d4 = 2, d8 = 4, d10 = 9
Total - 13, Effect d8
Tombstone's Total beats your Total, so action failed. He will not spend any Doom Pool dice.))

Tombstone's intimidating smirk quickly turns to a glower of annoyance as his eyes shoot daggers down at Kitty Pryde, half-submerged in the ground. "You friggin' mutants are like cockroaches!" he snarls, barely avoiding the trap set by these former X-Men. He backs up and squares off against them both, the water at his back.

((Nferno, nominate next!))
Last edited by Rip on Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Inferno » Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:42 pm

((I om nom nominate Iron Fist))
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Samurai » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:39 pm

The living weapon of K'un L'un springs into action as the distraction from Hawkeye's arrow fades. Aiming to disable the infiltrators quickly and forestall any warnings to the sub occupants , Iron Fist leaps up with a view to performing a simultaneous jump kick and aerial punch. He gathers his chi to increase his strength and knock down two of the heavies at once.

((Twin winged serpent strike!

Team d6, Living Weapon d8, Enhanced Strength d10, Acrobatics Master d10, and calling on the power of the Iron Fiat allows me to double Enhanced Strength for an extra d10. Roll is, in order of dice listed: 6, 5, 2, 4, 4. Total 11, d10 effect die and 1PP spent to bring in a second d10 effect for the second hood.))
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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:08 pm

((Henchman #1's Reaction to Iron Fist's Punching Action! - Team d6, Maggia Henchman d8, Combat Expert d8
d6 - 2, d8 - 5, d8 - 2
Total 7, Effect d8; Iron Fist succeeds in applying d10 Physical Stress to Henchman #1!

Henchman #2's Reaction to Iron Fist's Kung Fu Kick! - Team d6, Maggia Henchman d8, Combat Expert d8
d6 - 5, d8 - 1, d8 - 3
Total 8, Effect an implied d4; Iron Fist succeeds in applying d10 Physical Stress to Henchman #2!

Also, an Opportunity has been rolled by the Watcher, who is me. This means that any one who wants to can spend a Plot Point to buy this Opportunity to add a d8 to their next roll, representing Luck; only one person can do this however, and only if they do so before the end of the round.))

The Immortal Iron Fist explodes into action, cracking two henchmen skulls simultaneously with a dazzling burst of ol' fashioned Kung Fu! The third one whips around as he hears his comrades slumping to the floor unconscious, visibly blanching at the damage already done.

Henchman 1 and 2 are both knocked out; as extras they only have d8 health.
Henchman 3 is unharmed, as is Tombstone
The Doom Pool is 5d6
Deadpool, Henchman 3, Tombstone, and Luke Cage have not acted yet. Sam, please nominate next. Please also note that once all heroes have gone, any villains who have not yet acted will all act together, and then get to nominate who goes first next round, which could include themselves.))

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Re: Dark Reign - Marvel Bobic Roleplaying

Postby Rip » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:19 pm

((Goddammit I knew I was forgetting someone: Cypher has also not acted yet))

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