Bahrain is this little island in the middle east and everything here is brand new and super-ritzy except when it's outside and covered in sand and or riots except it's all fucking closed because the sub decided to stop here in the middle of fucking ramadan. Which blows, since we have cinderella liberty so we've got maybe 4 hours to actually do stuff before we have to find a ride to the goddamn boat (or the hotel, if you're super lucky/rich).
submarines suck, this job fucking blows. I'm underwater all the time and stuff breaks literally all the goddamn time because the stupid boat is ancient. it's too small to get any privacy and the whole berthing area stinks and I share my rack with two other dudes which is the worst. my stuff keeps getting stolen- sorry, "borrowed"- and then it winds up broken. I've gone through 5 chargers this deployment alone. I literally carved my name into the things with a knife and they still grew legs. Don't do submarines, and heavily discourage your friends and family as well.
Also hey, what's up with you guys?