I drink almost never. Like Dex, I do not particularly like how I am while drunk. Still smoking pot semi regularly, although I've cut back a lot from how much I used to, and I don't touch anything harder or ever plan to again. Got my weed card and everything, it's weird but nice. Haven't had a single gun pointed at me in at least three years, for drug related discrepancies or otherwise. I fucked myself up pretty badly in my early twenties, just too much work/partying/stress in general mixed with some bad luck. The last couple years since I moved back to CA have been spent getting my shit back together and at least kinda trying to take care of myself (seriously, I've put on like twenty pounds, it's wonderful).
Cons are nice. They are very, very different from the sort of environments I spend most of my time in, and I like that. Also I am still a huge webcomics nerd, so I like meeting some of the people that make the stuff I read. And cosplay is always interesting to see. Not going to be at Dragoncon this year, however. I hope you have a good time, Desp